Research interests of the group include:
- Algorithmic game theory and electronic commerce
- Learning and information aggregation in games
- Mechanism design
- Networks
- Behavioral economics
Research interest of each member include:
- Bayesian and adaptive learning in games
- Evolutionary game theory
- Population games
- Algorithmic Game Theory
- Complexity of Equilibria
- Adaptive Learning in games
- Implementation of Pareto Efficiency
- Strategic Communication
- Algorithmic game theory
- Combinatorial Algorithms
- Coping with Uncertainty
- Distributed Computing
- Behavioral game theory
- Learning in games
- Rule enforcement
Ittay Eyal (Electrical Engineering)
Ron Holzman (Mathematics)
- Combinatorial Auctions
- Congestion games
- Cooperative games
- Games on networks
- Judgment aggregation
- Social choice
- Auction Theory
- Electronic commerce
- Mechanism Design
- Algorithmic game theory
- Behavioral Game Theory
- Mechanism design
- Congestion games
- Cooperative games
- Social choice
Dov Monderer (Data and Decision Sciences)
- Algorithmic game theory
- Mechanism design
- Auction Theory
- Learning in games
- Cooperative games
- Application of game theory to computer networks and network science.
- Strategic decisions in queueing systems
- Approachability theory and online learning algorithms
- Games of timing
- Competitive routing and resource sharing
- Privacy
- Mechanism design
- Bayesian learning in games
- Electronic commerce
- Algorithmic game theory
- Theory of computation
- Optimization
- Internet economics
- Market design
- Auctions
- Algorithmic game theory
- Mechanism design
- Artificial social systems
- Non-cooperative computation
- Online Algorithms
- Prophet and Philosopher Inequalities
- Matching Theory
- Matching Markets